Fundamentals of let, const, var 🚀

Fundamentals of let, const, var 🚀

A quick review of variables from JavaScript (let, const, var)


1 min read

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Variables: Variables in JavaScript are containers for storing data. JavaScript allows the usage of variables in the following three ways:


var is the most commonly used variable in JavaScript. It can be initialized to a value, redeclared and its value can be reassigned, but only inside the context of a function. It can be function scoped or globally scoped.



let in JavaScript is similar to var only difference lies in the scope. var is function scoped, let is block scoped. It cannot be redeclared but can be reassigned a value.



const in JavaScript is used to declare a fixed value that cannot be changed over time once declared. They can neither be redeclared nor be reassigned. They cannot be hoisted either.


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